Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Remission- Video game for cancer kids

An update on notable news from HopeLab
Re-Mission Research in PediatricsHopeLab is celebrating a major milestone for Re-Mission!
We’re pleased to announce that Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, has published study results showing that Re-Mission works to improve the health and well-being of young cancer patients by giving them a sense of power and control over their disease.
“The process to create and evaluate Re-Mission was highly collaborative, often challenging, and an incredible learning experience,” said Pam Omidyar, HopeLab founder and board chair. “The publication of Re-Mission data represents the fulfillment of HopeLab’s founding vision – that rationally engineered technology can be a powerful tool to improve the health of young people.”
Read the Pediatrics article: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/122/2/e305Read the HopeLab press release: http://www.hopelab.org/publications/press-release
What’s Next? New Research and the Next Re-MissionResearch shows that Re-Mission works – now HopeLab is working to understand how. To better understand how game play delivers the positive outcomes highlighted in the Pediatrics article, HopeLab has conducted a number of studies, including one using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology to analyze the brain regions activated when people play Re-Mission. This research will inform the next version of Re-Mission, as well as other innovative approaches to improve the health of young people.
HopeLab research: http://www.hopelab.org/our-research/
Please visit http://www.hopelab.org to catch up on other news from HopeLab!

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